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1 Victoria Grove, Second Avenue
Brighton & Hove, England, BN3 2LJ
United Kingdom

01273 727234

Cameron Contemporary Art is dedicated to showing a changing programme of high quality established and exciting up and coming British artists.


coming up…


20th - 23rd March 2025

Another chance to showcase our wonderful artists to a new audience.

New York is a vibrant buzzy city and this fair never disappoints. Contact the gallery for tickets.


a solo show by


16th - 27th April 2025



7th - 11th May 2025

Held at Regency Town House, Brunswick Square, Brighton and Hove.

This will be Amy Dury’s 2nd solo exhibition with Cameron Contemporary Art. We are thrilled to show this wonderfully skilled painter and enter into her world of colour, nostalgia and family. Amy’s reputation is growing in leaps and bounds and her work is in great demand worldwide. Fresh from presenting 2 episodes of Sky Arts Masterclass series this Spring, she is one to watch and this show definitely one to see.

Contact the gallery to be added to our mailing list for early information on the exhibition.

The Hampstead version of the Affordable Art Fair is one of our favourite Fairs. A stunning setting on the Heath and a venue full of great works - what’s not to like?!

Contact the gallery for tickets

spring 2025

We continue to stock a large collection of artworks and the quality and variety is as great as ever.

Artworks are available to view in person in your home or work place. .

We also offer advice and recommendations on curating, adding to, or starting an art collection.

Please browse our latest exhibitions page -

All artwork is for sale. Please enquire HERE
Work can be shipped worldwide

New IN

Artist: Graham Dean
Title: Bird Boat
Size: 23 x 31cm
Medium: watercolour on arches
Price: £2100

Artist: Jane Campling
Title: Looking towards Mount Blair
Size: 29 x 42cm
Medium: acrylic and pastel
Price: £ 750

Artist: David Storey
Title: Departure Lounge
Size: 43 x 33 cm (framed)
Medium: egg tempera and oil
Price: SOLD

Artist: Dean Patman
Title: Hornbill
Medium: mixed media
Price: £700

we are on the move


After ten years our 2nd Avenue Gallery is now closed due to the lease ending…. but while we look for our new venue we are continuing with a strong programme of exhibitions and Art Fairs in the UK and abroad.

We are also available for advice, re-arranging or adding to your art collections as usual.

Contact us on or phone 07752380088

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